Refund Guarantee
Last Updated: April 3, 2024

Your No B.S. 88 Days To Find A Deal, Better than Your Money Back - Get Gold Guarantee 

“Find a deal in 88 days or you don’t pay, and get 8 grams of gold” (88DGG)

We want this promise to be simple. This works. If it doesn’t. You get 8 grams of gold. This promise is easy to make when you know your sh%t works. I know you don’t … yet. You will. 

I have WAY more to lose than you do should I be full of it… So you feel better, we now both have skin in the game - and when you succeed. We BOTH win. 

I’ve made this as simple as possible to follow. Young 11 year old delinquent kids have purchased assets following this process. (Mom and Dad kinda get butt hurt when their own kids make more than they do on a deal… until they realize their kids can’t sign legally - so they have control… sorry Lucy, you can’t buy that miniature giraffe… not quite yet.)  

Brass tacks - if you put the minimum effort in following this system, demonstrate your commitment and participate with focus and the necessary attention in this program… (it’s part time) you will see results. Or you don’t pay. And we give you 8 grams of gold for your trouble. (It works. You’ll want the property - way better than gold) 

That simple…  

Sadly we live in a time where people don’t have the best of intentions. “Karens” who complain professionally. Lazy people that want to be rich with no effort and no commitment. The few make it rough for the many… (why do I have to take my shoes off at the airport again?!?) 

So… at my behest… to make sure you aren’t lazy and aren’t a get rich quick person looking for a fast buck that loves taking advantage of good people trying to help good people … the lawyers who want to continue to get overpaid (and won’t if I go down) are doing their job by protecting my giving spirit and insisted we outline clear terms and conditions to not be taken advantage of…

My version - bottom line. If you put in the effort. You’ll see results. Haven’t had anyone yet not see them once the effort was made. If you did do this without a result… I’ll learn something - and be thrilled to pay you for your efforts so it never happens to anyone else again. Again. Never happened. But I’m willing to give you my own gold if it does. 

That’s all I wanted to say…

But here is what they want you to know. (Happy now Harry?!?) 

1 - You must be enrolled in deal support to qualify. We will support you for up to 18 months to close your 1st transaction, regardless of the 88DGG.

2 - Your results are based on your efforts, your skill and your ability to follow process. If you do not follow process - do not execute the tasks clearly laid out and take guidance to improve, you agree to not qualify for the 88GGG.

3 - We guarantee that no effort gives you zero result and lack of action will only result in no result. No action on your part will not qualify you for a refund or the 88GGG.

4 - No money, credit or personal guarantees is a guarantee. It is forbidden to use your money, credit or personal guarantees to buy or monetize any asset at any time. If you decide to risk any of the above it is at your own risk. A risk we do not sanction. It is never necessary when you follow this process and doing so will void the 88DGG.

5 - The 88GGG guarantee is on finding an opportunity that is monetizable. Not a monetization result. Monetization is defined as an opportunity that can/will/should lead to cash or cashflow by giving value to both the seller and end buyer (you, agent or 3rd party buyer) of that opportunity. 

Monetization opportunities are very common.

6 - You will learn 3 monetization strategies. Any of the below 3 opportunities, when found, will be considered fulfillment of the 88GGG.

First, buying assets that fit within the parameters and guidelines outlined in the course materials for asset based lending - understanding that assets without the necessary equity (30% in most cases) are in bad or high risk areas, in terrible condition or have high risk parameters that adds unnecessary risk to money sources - may reduce and or eliminate lenders placing capital on that asset. Lenders decide where to place their capital. Not the borrower. 

Second, taking over existing debt on assets 4 units or under - debt can be taken over from sellers that wish to do so if they know they must. The numbers must align within the parameters outlined and clearly described in the course materials. We do not make promises to you, a seller or anyone that can not be kept. Following process and the boundaries of the budgets available to the seller is critical to honor. 

Third, selling leads with low discounts to agents. You will learn to sell many leads from motivated sellers that need more than what budgets allowed for anywhere between $500 to $1,000 a lead. You will be clear on how that is done by the end of the 3 day class. 

7 - You ave access to unlimited support for 18 months until close your 1st deal.You must use it to get guidance and approval for effectiveness /quality control for better results on each of the phases of the program. Not using it will void the 88DGG.

8 - The 88DGG officially is fulfilled if/when a Monetization Opportunity is found in the 3 day fundamentals experience.

9 - You have 88 days to successfully complete the assessments in the curriculum allowing the countdown to begin for the 88DGG.

10 - The 88 day countdown officially starts once all course curriculum assessments are passed. 

11 - To claim a refund and be eligible for the 88DGG - Full Documentation on each phase (6 to monetize) must be supplied to with emails, logs, response rate stats, support ticket numbers in the form found in the “i quit” section of the curriculum. Only those that gave it a real shot will be compensated. And we will be grateful that you gave it a real try. This works. Anyone showing that it doesn’t and where when and how it didn’t gives us very valuable data that we are thankful to pay you for your time.

But wait… there’s more! (Tell me that’s not hilarious Harry)

Stats and requirements:

The minimum effort must be made to demonstrate participation in the program to take advantage of the Gold Guarantee. 

Minimum requirements are as follows. 

Each phase (there are 6 to get to monetization, 10 to close your own asset) is to be implemented and completed within a 25 minute time blocks. Working more than that on each step is wasting time. And will delay your results over 88 days. 

Marketing to a minimum of 50 Emails a week each week for 12 weeks to targeted lists shared in class and curriculum with improved response rates tracked with tracking sheet provided. Effort in improving must be shown.

Respondents must be placed in the correct categories by end of week 2 - using week 1 and 2 to improve the skills learned to be efficient by week 3.

Offers must be made correctly have all elements outlined in course materials with response rates tracked in each phase to all respondents who have been processed in categories - within the expected 3 business day time period shared in class.

To qualify for “8 gram Gold Guarantee”, you must be coachable and demonstrate an openness and effort to improve with the instructions and feedback given during your guarantee period.

Response rates must shown and tracked to be at minimum expectation levels by end of week 3.

Once replies of your offers are received - you must reply with the correct responses by following the simple chart shared that clearly outlines each step and counter step based on what the seller replies. 98% of your next moves are clearly laid out.

The tools, videos, charts and support team are there to help you accomplish this very easily - and help you ensure you are on track.

Once the steps are followed, 1.6% of your leads, when done poorly, will be monetizable once you reach an impasse. 

The support team will help you strategize on how to buy, step into existing debt or monetize impasse opportunities once you share your calculations using the tools provided that help you know what to do. 

If after following the above steps and correctly applying process and course materials, tracking your progress and efforts and getting the support team to help you course correct... having shown the effort to improve and having not successfully found a seller to help that leads to monetization within 88 days of taking the 3 day training - submit your records within 3 business days of the 88 day timeline - we will review the necessary tracking documentation to confirm your efforts and grant a full refund AND 8 grams of .999 pure gold for your efforts with our gratitude for doing your best. 

Once a refund is issued, you agree to give us your leads to work on serving the sellers over time - as those leads are gold for us as the fortune is in the follow up.

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